Friday, 2 January 2015

Homemade face pack for removing Pigmentation

Pigmentation is one of the major skin problems that reduces the beauty of our face. It could be treated in the earlier stage.

Here are few face packs to try at home to reduce the effect of pigmentation and dark spots in your face. The results may vary based on the severity of the problem.

Pack 1:(Lemon & Turmeric)

Mix lemon juice with a pinch of turmeric and apply to the affected area.
Lemon removes dirt from your face and turmeric as antiseptic protects your skin from excess damage caused by Sun.

Pack 2:( Cucumber & curd)

Mash cucumber and add fresh curd and apply to your face.
This pack removes the tiredness from your face and adds extra glow to your face and curd lightens your tanned skin.

Pack 3: (Papaya & Milk)

Mash papaya and add milk or use fresh cream and apply to your face.
Papaya helps in regeneration of skin cells so applying this against the pigmented  area will help to remove affected skin cells.

Pack 4 :(Honey & Banana)

Mix 1 tbsp of honey with banana and make a thick paste to apply on your face.
Banana helps in exfoliating and lightens the skin. Honey helps to keep skin free from toxins.

Pack 5: (Yoghurt , Banana & Tomato)

Mix fresh yoghurt with ripe banana and tomato to make a thick paste and apply to your face.
Tomato bleachs the skin naturally and yoghurt cleanses the skin and acts against tanned skin.

Pack 6 : ( Aloe Vera Gel)

Apply aloe Vera gel to your pigmented area daily. Aloe Vera has good healing tendency against skin problems.

You can apply these packs from 15 -30 min. Then wash with lukewarm water or remove it with cotton balls dipped in hot water. Apply all those packs on a circular basis for better results.

Causes :

Pigmentation, dark spots or uneven skin tone occurs due to various factors. Main reason is exposure to UV rays caused by Sun and inadequate attention to your skin.

Simple Scrub to use :

Mix Sandal, turmeric powder, oatmeal and rose water. You can use this as a scrub whenever required. This combination do wonders against pigmentation.

How to prevent it?

1. Use good SPF Cream greater than 30 before exposure to Sun light.
2. Wash your face with a face wash that suits your skin when you are back home.
3. Give a nice massage with cotton balls dipped in hot water.
4. Rub cut piece of lemon else cut piece of fresh potato to your face once a week.
5. Wash your face with coconut milk to retain

Tips :

In spite applying those fruit face packs add them to your diet. As they help to improve your health and beauty.

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