Hi pals today its a gooseberry post. In this post you can find what are the ways gooseberry can be used in treating hair. Along with its benefits.
Gooseberry Oil :
Cut gooseberry into small pieces and boil it with coconut oil. Leave it to cool and let the sediment settle down. Store it and can be used daily.
Gooseberry Massage Oil:
Massage your scalp with a tbsp of gooseberry juice mixed with a tbsp of lime juice and almond oil every night.
Gooseberry Hair Pack:
- Extract gooseberry juice
- Mix it with egg white and lemon juice.
- Apply it to your scalp with gentle massage.
- Leave it for half an hour.
- And make a mild hair wash.
Gooseberry soaked water overnight can be used for last rinse in hair wash.
Gooseberry for dandruff:
- Mix gooseberry powder with water to make a paste.
- Add grinded tulsi to it.
- And apply to your scalp before hair wash.
- Used in preventing and treating premature grey hairs.
- Excellent for hair growth and hair pigmentation.
- Effective in prevention of balding.
- Reduces hair fall and dandruff.
- It gives natural shine to your hair.
Moreover intake of amla juice is good for health, skin and hair. Its health benefits includes in treating diabetes. Hope I shared some useful message with you all. See you in next post. Keep sending your comments.
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