Thursday 29 August 2019

Miracle Juice For Weight Loss & Anti-Aging | How to prepare Miracle Drink

Many diet-plans are there for weight loss. When you are trying to lose weight, your body needs enough nutrition to withstand the loss in weight. So, you can try on some healthy and nutritious juice to add enough strength.

This juice is a combo of Beetroot, Carrot, Lemon and Ginger, which are naturally rich in nutrients and much needed for our body.

This amazing natural flavored juice is best for anemia, after exercise, persons with high blood pressure, anti-aging and those who want to reduce their weight.

Consuming this drink regularly is beneficial for both health and beauty. Reduce your age with this drink.

Things Needed:

Beetroot- 1
Carrot -1
Ginger - 1 inch
Lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
Honey - Optional

Blend all the ingredients in a blender and filter the juice to drink. This drink can be consumed daily or in alternate days.

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